
How we built it: Reply via email

Sep 19, 2023
  • 11 min read
  • Many startups build chat capabilities into their products. For example, most marketplace, community, and social products provide users with a way to communicate with one another. At Copilot, we make client portal software, and an important use case for us is to let service businesses communicate with clients and vice versa using our web-based Messaging App. In the first iteration of the service, when users sent messages in our web app, we sent out messaging email notifications to inform recipie
    Inside Copilot

    Working backwards from the customer experience

    Sep 18, 2023
  • 2 min read
  • Startups are often founded on a small number of product insights that significantly shape their trajectory. In this post I wanted to share what one of those early insights was for us. TLDR: While most startups prioritize just their immediate customers, we felt that there was an important and under-appreciated opportunity to prioritize our customers’ customers instead. How we came to this realization Copilot wasn’t the first company my cofounder Neil and I started. We’ve done so before, and a
    Inside Copilot

    How to Hold an Effective International Off-site as a Series A Startup

    Sep 03, 2022
  • 6 min read
  • Everything we learned about doing an off-site in a far-away place with a team of 15.
    Inside Copilot

    Why I Joined Copilot to Lead Sales

    Aug 22, 2022
  • 4 min read
  • Now that I’ve been at Portal for over three months (wow time flies!), I’ve had some time to reflect on the journey that led me here. This is why I joined!
    Inside Copilot