Connect the Power BI Embed
Power BI lets you create data sets, transform and clean the data into a data model and create charts or graphs to provide visuals of the data. You can connect a Report by following the instructions below.
Go to App Setup, and click + Add an app in the top right corner.
Click Add under Airtable. Set a title and icon that represents the app.
We recommend setting this up as a manual app so that you can embed different data for each client. If you want this app to be visible to all clients, set this as an automatic app.
Next, click Add. You will be taken to to the app's page, where you can set the embed for each client, group, or company.
Click Add to add your first embed or link. Select the client(s) or company to share the app with.
Select Show as embed so that the client isn't directed outside of the portal.
Go to your Power BI home page and open the report you wish to embed.
Under File > Embed report, click Website or Portal.
Copy the link (not the iframe code).
Go back to the app page in Copilot, paste the copied link into the content box, and click Save.
Power BI implements security features that require your client to be logged into Power BI with a Power BI Pro license in order to view the embedded dashboard.
You can create a Microsoft Entra security group for the client's company, and grant 'read only' direct access to the relevant dashboard within the Power BI website. Then, invite the client as an 'external user' and add them to this security group. They need to accept the Entra invite to be added.
The client should then request their internal IT administrator to assign a Power BI Pro license, and the client's company will handle the admin and cost of this themselves.
Once the client has done all of the above, when the client sees the Power BI embed screen, all they need to do is click the yellow button and it will automatically log them in to view the dashboard. This process becomes seamless once they have done the initial setup.