Connect the Google Docs Embed
Copilot makes it simple to share Google Docs with your clients directly within your portal. You can embed an editable Google Doc to collaborate with your clients as well.
Go to App Setup, and click + Add an app in the top right corner.
Click Add under Google Docs. Set a title and icon that represents the app.
We recommend setting this up as an automatic App so that we can embed the same document for every client. If you want a specific document for each client, set this as a manual App.
Leave the app set to as Show as embed so that the client isn't directed outside of the portal.
Next, go to your Google Docs home page:
Find and open the desired document you want to embed. (You can also locate and open a Google Doc within your Google Drive).
To share a Document, click File > Share > Publish to Web and click Publish on the Link tab. Now copy the link.
Go back to the App Setup page and paste the copied link into the content box and click Save.
Go to App Setup, and click + Add an app in the top right corner.
Click Add under Google Docs. Set a title and icon that represents the app.
We recommend setting this up as a manual app so that only the clients connected to the Google Doc app can edit. If you want all clients to be able to edit the document, set this as an automatic app.
Next, click Add. You will be taken to to the app's page, where you can set the embed for each client, group, or company.
Click Add to add your first embed or link. Select the client(s) or company to share the app with.
Select Show as embed so that the client isn't directed outside of the portal.
Next, go to your Google Docs home page:
Find and open the desired document you want to embed. (You can also locate and open a Google Doc within your Google Drive).
To share a Document, click Share in the top-right of the Google Doc and set the permissions to Anyone with the link can edit.
Now copy the link and paste it into an empty text editor (you will need this link in a moment).
Next, copy the following code and paste this into your text editor below the link: <iframe src="link" />
Lastly, paste the link copied from Google into the code where it says link. Be sure to keep the quotation marks around the Google Doc link.
Go back to the App Setup page and paste the <iframe src="link" />
(with the link replaced) into the content box and click Save.
To preview the app as a client, connect the app to your test client. Then, click Portal at the bottom of the sidebar and click Open portal. Once you're logged in as your test client you'll be able to view the connected app.
Occasionally, Google Docs will appear to be narrow in the mobile client experience. To optimize your Google Doc for mobile, you'll want to go to File > Page Setup in Google Docs. Then, edit the margins to be less than the default 1-inch margins. We've found changing the margins to 0.1 works, but feel free to edit the margin size until your Google Doc renders well on your mobile device.